Chapter 112. In sickness and in Health

We have heard this vows in many wedding ceremonies but for some, these are just some empty words.

Statistics say it, men are more prone to abandon a sick woman than women abandon a man. Yet, another tabu topic that society does not want to talk about is the number of divorces and separations caused by a sudden disease or a major health impediment that significantly changes the quality of your spouse’ life.

This past year I was talking to the CEO of one of the most luxurious retirement home chains in the country. No less than 187 centers and you know what she told me? 85% is female occupancy darling. You better make a good life for yourself.

But where are their husbands? I asked.

“Dead or not sick” She answered.

Imagine you and your boyfriend were the kind of people who love sports and one sad day, you get into an accident and no longer can practice any of frequent hobbies. Imagine it gets worse, you are unable to walk again, or unable to have children for that same reason.

What would your partner do?

If he loves you, he would stay together. For a while…then, in many cases they get psychologically exhausted distant, aloof, and end up in someone else’s arms. Statistics talk.

There are many other situations of course and health conditions that are not as tangible…cancer, depression, neurological deseases or rough personal moments. In those cases many women end up alone too.

Imagine your boyfriend lost his job, is unable to find work for months, becomes depressed, imagine he lost a family member, a friend, a loved one, his company went bankrupt…

He or she would suffer from an adaptive episode that could cause him emotional problems and/or put a lot of stress in your relationship.

Even in those cases, men are the ones who step away. Most women on the other hand would stick around and support their partner.

Call it maternal instinct.