Chapter 114. Ignoring the Red Flags

When a woman is truly in love she tends to ignore all the red flags that arise from any direction and pretend that everything is normal, it´s called denial or motherly instinct. But why does that happen?

Why is it that a woman refuses to face that the relationship she is in is about to end or that her partner is abusive and taking advantage of her?

Many women find one thousand excuses before acknowledging that the crocodile she loves is drifting away, losing interest or acting squetchy. We tend to avoid confronting the situation because we mistakinly think that by acting normal or nicer we will get crocodile love back when in fact it is just the opposite.

These days, social media and instant messaging make new relationships particularly vulnerable to cyber attacks from other people. The most hazardous? The EX. Ex girlfriend, ex wife, why is it that women come back from the past the minute they see their ex moving on with their life or happy with someone else?

We are still quite naive when it comes to digital etiquette and how what is going on virtually can constitute a huge threat in what we are living in the real world at this very moment, with the person that is sitting next to you.

But the red flags are there and if we pay attention, it is very easy to see them. I will list some of them. New and old. Pay attention because if you don´t you might find yourself out of the game very soon.

Lets make one point clear. When you love and you are loved back everything comes natural and you dont have to look for the signs. You are at yout best and show the best of you simply because that person takes the best out of you. You want to make an effort to look nice, you are excited about making plans together and dates are fun. But if you «sense» that something is not right or flowing normally, if you feel it in your gut, don´t look the other way.

If you want to know if that girl or boy really likes you, look at these signs: he or she makes an effort, he or she remembers the dates, he or she asks how you are doing, says good morning and good night, is thoughtful, cares about your well-being, does not cancel plans, gives you priority, is excited to see you, touches you, hugs you, makes plans with you, is generous, wants you to meet his family and friends, does not hide you, brags about you and does not have any problems with you posting pictures together.

Are any of these signs missing? Do you feel lonely, mentally or verbally abused or increasingly insecure? Red flag alert! Something is seriously wrong.

When the love that we receive is not a reflection of our own feelings towards the other person, that love becomes painful, a source of loneliness, disappointment and sanxiety. With a broken heart and the bitterness of those who are disappointed by the loved one, one begins to feel the vertigo of knowing that they have lost someone that they loved very much and that there is absolutely nothing that one can do to revert the situation.

Because in terms of love, one does not choose, feelings choose and are born for whom they are born. Capriciously they drag us to the loved person, whether or that person is the most suitable to receive the most sacred thing that one can give to another human being: love.

The greatest satisfaction consists in being reciprocated, in feeling that you are also the priority of the loved one that the other person thinks of you as you think of them, that the other person wants to give you what you need without you asking. Whether it’s the security of a hug, a home, or an anwered call.

When this does not happen, the one who expects the most is left with the empty coffers, waiting in the middle of a corridor where no one comes to meet you. Then pride comes into place.

But love is not demanded, love runs its course and only flows in open spaces where giving and receiving comes natural. If it runs into a retaining wall it will look for another channel, it will transform itself or disappear.

Beware that remaining in a damaged place for too long only leads to disaster.