Chapter 98. Why men pull away

I was reading this article about «why men pull away» and why women should watch this and this video to learn «what to say to a man». I got them from a dear friend who is currently having guy issues. The guy that she has been dating on and off for the past….20 FREAKING YEARS!!!! won’t commit. What is more, he will act consistently selfish and only look after his best interest. You would think that by now she would have told the guy off. Think twice.

Yet somehow, all these videos that she was sending to me about why men pull away were all blaming women for something they were doing wrong.

Say this not that,

do this, not that….

These are the five words that every man wants to hear…

In my opinion, there are relationships that simply don’t work and there are also some people, men or women, with severe personality disorders who are incapable of loving. Period.

These people are adrenaline yonkis always looking for validation of their own shortcomings or caught up in toxic relationships where they dominate or feel dominated. They go from love to hate, from passion to despair, from loyalty to betrayal. From all to nothing.

Women shouldn’t allow websites or videos that continue to blame the woman for a relationship not working. If the guy is not making you feel like a star leave him. Do not buy tutorials made by men teaching you how to «speak to a man’s heart». That would only mean another man taking advantage of a women looking to be loved for who she is.

The problem these days is that women feel pressured to be perfect at everything while men are expected to just play the being a man part. Why should women feel the need to «be worth it» of a guys’ affection? Is a guy is not willing to for whatever reason, let him go off on his own. Who would want to swim in frozen waters?

There are plenty of fish in the sea…

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