Chapter 118. Un mes para enamorar a un cocodrilo

De Madrid al cielo. Es allí dónde las cosas pasan más deprisa y hoy es uno de esos días. Todo empezó con ella en la sobremesa diciendo: «Yo no soy una granjera, soy cazadora» y no me gustan los hombres que me dicen a todo que si, me gustan los que me retan, los que cazan como yo, los depredadores. Si un hombre me dice «vamos a dónde tu quieras» no me vuelve a ver el pelo. Si está gordo o calvo tampoco lo quiero porque a mí lo que me gusta es agarrar del pelo a un hombre mientras lo hacemos ¿entiendes? Devorarlo y luego llamarle un Uber porque no sé que hacer con él una vez terminamos. Los jóvenes son los peores, se quieren quedar en mi piso, no me extraña, tengo un pisazo en DF con vistas y eso a ellos les atrae pero para mí un encuentro sexual con un jovencito es solamente colágeno para mi cara. Y es que cada día me contactan más de treinta hombres, me abordan por la calle o por instagram, quieren lo que quieren y claro, no saben con lo que se van a encontrar cuando uno me dice: qué raza es la perra? yo les contesto: ella o yo? y veo como sus ojos se llenan de deseo. Me gustan los cabrones, los que me lo ponen complicado y me hacen sufrir para tenerlos lo que ocurre es que cuándo ya he conseguido enamorarlo y empieza a ponerme ojitos me canso y le dejo»

Todos estábamos escuchando atentamente su disertación mientras su perro de raza devoraba un hueso del chuletón que habíamos pedido. Cocodrilo escuchaba con mucho interés con su cara apoyada en la mano como babeando ante su nuevo reto y soltando ruidos y exclamaciones oh! uff! yes! yes! cada vez que ella sentenciaba. La mesa estaba llena de posibles retos para él pero hoy el destino le había puesto delante algo con lo que no contaba: la mujer cocodrilo. Guapa, independiente, exitosa y con muchas ganas de vivir sin permiso.

Un WhatsApp le distrajo de la conversación. «Vuelvo el lunes de la India»

Era esa otra chica que hacía un mes le había robado el corazón. Habían salido una noche de esas que cuesta olvidar, por bizarra. Él la había acompañado a casa después de unas copas pensando que le iba invitar a subir, pero no, le hizo esperar abajo. «Bajo ahora» le dijo. Desconcertado, se sentó en un banco a mirar el móvil y a medida que pasaban los minutos pensó «Esta no vuelve» Le timbró, nerviosa le dijo «Ya voy ya voy» y para su sorpresa, lo hizo. En el siguiente bar le confesó que su novio estaba arriba durmiendo. Puede haber algo que motive más a un hombre que la triangulación?

Las cosas se complicaban pues en la mesa también había detectado a otra mujer de su agrado. Era diferente a todas con las que había estado, elegante, educada, profesional y divertida. Quería conocerla. La invitaría a salir.

Chapter 117. Crocodiles on the web

She made my life impossible… she (YOUR NAME HERE) is nuts, crazy, locooooooo. Now post, share, comment, repost and just like that your name and your personal brand is damaged by your beloved ex crocodile.

Are you being a victim of cyber scratching from a guy that you decided to dump? Do not panic, you are not alone. While we are looking for problems with feminism, crocodile men and their ego can continue to be the center of everything. And while the world continues to perceive women in general as unstable and unbalanced by nature, fewer people will recognize that abuse does exist against women and it takes new shapes and ways to expand.

Stop and think that they are really just a handful of weak and boring men, incapable of the slightest self-criticism, who feel threatened by you and attack desperately. If you have the chance, ask a friend to intercede for you and explain to the crocodile that what he is doing is wrong. If he doesn’t call him gay at the first, it is very likely that he will listen to him and agree with him before he will agree with anything that you say. Even if you both say the same thing. How lovely is that?

Our claims in most cases are considered a silly, minor thing. Crocodiles continue to surround themselves with colleagues who are masters of reason and logic. All they have to do is sharpen their fingers and post a few shitty comments on the internet and a woman’s disaster is served.

We could say that online crocodile harassment is nothing other than the radicalization of men who demand attention and people’ support in their #case against you.

They are not outraged that you left them it hurts them that you tell why. It’s that simple: they want you to be quiet. While we were quiet they could come across as the nice guys and blame their ex-girlfriends for all their evil temper. Now that we talk about it and even take them to court for it, they have no option but to gas light or try to ruin your image on the web.

Very lovely indeed.

Chapter 116. The red flags

When a person is really in love he tends to ignore all the warning signs that come from any direction and pretend that everything is normal, it is called denial. But why does that happen? Why does an adult person refuse to face that the relationship they are in is about to end? Many women come up with a thousand excuses before acknowledging that the crocodile they love is wandering away, losing interest, or acting suspicious. It is often mistakenly believed that by acting in a normal or kinder way we will regain the love of the loved one when in reality the opposite is true. These days, social media and instant messaging make new relationships particularly vulnerable to cyberattacks from other people. The most dangerous? The ex or the ex in whatever format, why do people return from the past to hurt the moment they see their ex-partner move on with their life or happy with someone else? We are still quite naive when it comes to digital etiquette and how what is virtually happening can pose a huge threat as we are living in the real world right now, with the person sitting next to you.

Let's make a point clear. When you love and are loved, everything becomes natural and you don't have to look for the signs. You are at your best and you show your best simply because that person brings out the best in you. You want to make an effort to look good but you don't do it because your partner tells you you need to.
But in other not so healthy relationships the red flags are there and if we pay attention it is very easy to see them. I will list some of them. Pay attention because if you don't, very soon you will find yourself out of the game.
You are afraid that he will get upset because he often gets upset with you and blames you for things.
You feel that you are not doing anything wrong and yet you get upset about everything.
you sense the gas light or that something is not right or that it does not flow normally.
you feel lonely, mentally or verbally abused, increasingly insecure and confused.
you think you are not free to do what you like or spend your time with friends without having problems.
If you feel any of this, don't look the other way. In Machiavelli's words, he who avoids confrontation by not generating war will have confrontation first and then war


Chapter 115. My +1 passed out on the floor and peed on himself.

My Head hurts from the impact he said…

I was still getting over last night, the wedding and it’s dramatic ending.

Since Corona boyfriend broke up with me I had been swimming dangerous waters. I was not over my broken heart when I found out that he was seeing my best friends’ sister and that he had proposed to her in less than two months. The wedding would take place that same month and due to COVID restrictions it would be a very intimate affair. Only 30 people.

So I had no time to get mentally ready or emotionally ready or what is worse, phisically ready for the big event. Since the confinement I was ten pounds heavier and let’s be honest here, for me, this was not about them gettin married, it was about my big come back looking stunning on his wedding day.

Since he had decided to pass on me I had never seen him again.

“I am not ready to date someone with children. I don’t like children. I don’t want that life” Now he had met a funny adventurous woman with a taste for cars and real estate. Just like him. And the worst part is that I had introduced them.

Well done Rachel!

So since I heard the news I decided that I had to go to this wedding with a plus one. Showing up solo was simply not an option for me. I was already imagining them walking down the aisle as Mr and Mrs and me standing there by myself forcing a smile and looking absolutely pathetic. I was invited from both ends, because Corona insisted on us being friends and you know? He owed so much to me. BS.

I felt like the maid of horror just thinking about it. Where would I seat? The kids table? I would drink too much, eat to much, talk too much and certainly I would end up making a total fool of myself on the dance floor. Stepping on someone or kissing the groom.

No no that could not happen.

I need a plus one and this man is as good as it gets. He is ten years older but popular enough to meet and greet at the event. I knew that he would get all the attention not me so he was the perfect candidate.

Think twice.

Upon arriving he told me that he had forgotten his pills in the house. We were too far from the city and all pharmacies were closed so I asked if he could do without and his answer was “I hope so”.

The evening went as planned. I felt sad inside but dignified somehow as I was wearing a beautiful dress and looking all done up for the first time in front of Corona. Not that I was going to make him change his mind but you know that feeling of power when we like ourselves? That is how I felt.

We were not done with the second course when my date had his episode. First his face turned white, then he chocked a piece of food and seconds later he was passed out hitting his head against the floor, a huge puddle of pee around himself….

Good job at going unnoticed.

Chapter 114. Ignoring the Red Flags

When a woman is truly in love she tends to ignore all the red flags that arise from any direction and pretend that everything is normal, it´s called denial or motherly instinct. But why does that happen?

Why is it that a woman refuses to face that the relationship she is in is about to end or that her partner is abusive and taking advantage of her?

Many women find one thousand excuses before acknowledging that the crocodile she loves is drifting away, losing interest or acting squetchy. We tend to avoid confronting the situation because we mistakinly think that by acting normal or nicer we will get crocodile love back when in fact it is just the opposite.

These days, social media and instant messaging make new relationships particularly vulnerable to cyber attacks from other people. The most hazardous? The EX. Ex girlfriend, ex wife, why is it that women come back from the past the minute they see their ex moving on with their life or happy with someone else?

We are still quite naive when it comes to digital etiquette and how what is going on virtually can constitute a huge threat in what we are living in the real world at this very moment, with the person that is sitting next to you.

But the red flags are there and if we pay attention, it is very easy to see them. I will list some of them. New and old. Pay attention because if you don´t you might find yourself out of the game very soon.

Lets make one point clear. When you love and you are loved back everything comes natural and you dont have to look for the signs. You are at yout best and show the best of you simply because that person takes the best out of you. You want to make an effort to look nice, you are excited about making plans together and dates are fun. But if you «sense» that something is not right or flowing normally, if you feel it in your gut, don´t look the other way.

If you want to know if that girl or boy really likes you, look at these signs: he or she makes an effort, he or she remembers the dates, he or she asks how you are doing, says good morning and good night, is thoughtful, cares about your well-being, does not cancel plans, gives you priority, is excited to see you, touches you, hugs you, makes plans with you, is generous, wants you to meet his family and friends, does not hide you, brags about you and does not have any problems with you posting pictures together.

Are any of these signs missing? Do you feel lonely, mentally or verbally abused or increasingly insecure? Red flag alert! Something is seriously wrong.

When the love that we receive is not a reflection of our own feelings towards the other person, that love becomes painful, a source of loneliness, disappointment and sanxiety. With a broken heart and the bitterness of those who are disappointed by the loved one, one begins to feel the vertigo of knowing that they have lost someone that they loved very much and that there is absolutely nothing that one can do to revert the situation.

Because in terms of love, one does not choose, feelings choose and are born for whom they are born. Capriciously they drag us to the loved person, whether or that person is the most suitable to receive the most sacred thing that one can give to another human being: love.

The greatest satisfaction consists in being reciprocated, in feeling that you are also the priority of the loved one that the other person thinks of you as you think of them, that the other person wants to give you what you need without you asking. Whether it’s the security of a hug, a home, or an anwered call.

When this does not happen, the one who expects the most is left with the empty coffers, waiting in the middle of a corridor where no one comes to meet you. Then pride comes into place.

But love is not demanded, love runs its course and only flows in open spaces where giving and receiving comes natural. If it runs into a retaining wall it will look for another channel, it will transform itself or disappear.

Beware that remaining in a damaged place for too long only leads to disaster.

Chapter 113. My Corona Boyfriend

Menaced by death, my new boyfriend and I learned a lot about each other and got as close as one can be. Can you imagine being confined for one month with a guy who you just met?

In the past weeks, COVID has dramatically changed friendships, business, family routines but also relationships, dating and sex. While many people are apart from their significant others, I am sharing my house with my practically unknown Corona Boyfriend.

I had med this wonderful guy a few weeks ago. Things were exciting and romantic as you expect things to be during the initial stages of a relations hip; waiting for him to text back, looking forward to that date or special plan that we made once or twice a week, thinking of witty things to say or do to show the best version of yourself to the other person, having that initial sexual encounter and having to make the water run whenever forced to using the toilet.

But everything took a different turn the day an unknown global pandemia infected our country overnight, and it did it during our romantic getaway weekend. Before we could have second thoughts about anything, the government prohibited people from traveling from place to place so were were stuck in a tiny village away from our primary residences. What is more, we were given strict orders to remain locked inside our homes.


My love and I had just come back from our first trip together and we had discovered that we were compatible and very good together. As one would assume, we wanted to spend more time together so we had innocently decided to spend the weekend at my country house only two hours from the city. I would take my kids and travel in a separate car and my aunt would watch the kids over the weekend.

But sometimes life does not go as planned. It gets more unreal than a fiction scary movie. Things change overnight and the next thing that you know is that your new boyfriend and you are living together like a functional marriage and that hundreds of people are dying each day from this new disease. Just like that a romantic getaway turned into a COVID19 month of confinement. A story that we hope to be able to tell to our loved ones some day.

The question that floats secretly in the air, just like the virus, is as follows:

Will this forced closeness be good or bad for our relationship? Couples whose marriages are under pressure could be heading for a “covidivorce.” But what about recently formed couples that face confinement? What happens after?

After the confinement experience in China, the number of divorces increased. We can learn from the Chinese experience with a few simple recommendations. 1. There’s no need to skip dating night if you are confined or apart from your partner due to the coronavirus. 2. We can find some home dating ideas and best practices for maintaining a healthy relationship like movie night or a picnic. 3. Regularly schedule time for yourself and give yourself breaks from each other to prevent constantly being together. We have found that time apart gradually and naturally without having «that talk». Make and effort to be excited to spend time with your partner and do without distractions. Put the phone away, try to dress nicely and listen to your partner while he or she is talking.

I am particularly concerned about our return, once back into reality. Once back into the jungle.

Chapter 112. In sickness and in Health

We have heard this vows in many wedding ceremonies but for some, these are just some empty words.

Statistics say it, men are more prone to abandon a sick woman than women abandon a man. Yet, another tabu topic that society does not want to talk about is the number of divorces and separations caused by a sudden disease or a major health impediment that significantly changes the quality of your spouse’ life.

This past year I was talking to the CEO of one of the most luxurious retirement home chains in the country. No less than 187 centers and you know what she told me? 85% is female occupancy darling. You better make a good life for yourself.

But where are their husbands? I asked.

“Dead or not sick” She answered.

Imagine you and your boyfriend were the kind of people who love sports and one sad day, you get into an accident and no longer can practice any of frequent hobbies. Imagine it gets worse, you are unable to walk again, or unable to have children for that same reason.

What would your partner do?

If he loves you, he would stay together. For a while…then, in many cases they get psychologically exhausted distant, aloof, and end up in someone else’s arms. Statistics talk.

There are many other situations of course and health conditions that are not as tangible…cancer, depression, neurological deseases or rough personal moments. In those cases many women end up alone too.

Imagine your boyfriend lost his job, is unable to find work for months, becomes depressed, imagine he lost a family member, a friend, a loved one, his company went bankrupt…

He or she would suffer from an adaptive episode that could cause him emotional problems and/or put a lot of stress in your relationship.

Even in those cases, men are the ones who step away. Most women on the other hand would stick around and support their partner.

Call it maternal instinct.

Chapter 111. Bye bye Europe

I always thought that the point of life is not to survive but to enjoy it. Perhaps this approach is due to my American roots.

In the US, we are educated thinking that we can strive and shine and pursue our dreams so my vision of the world has always been very positive, this is fundamentally different from what surrounds me here in Europe.

Since I arrived, I have experienced a cultural shock and a cynical approach to life that is deeply damaging me internally as it would damage anyone who is not used to that.

As an American at first you try to adapt to everything with a smile in your face, you remain positive because positive is what you have learned and positive is what you are. You are aware that certain things in life are not easy but if you keep calm and work on it, at least they will be fair.

Think twice. That is not true in Europe.

As an American in Europe, I can say this:

I have tried. I have tried to adapt to it, to respect, to embrace this heavy culture, but I simply can’t deal with how unfair the outcome results are every single time.

The internal damage that this causes in my persona has provoked an adaptive depression episode that I don’t want in my life. When you look around, you find yourself coping with the negative energy that society as a whole releases here. The press is a clear example of the destructive toxic mentality and energy.

As an American also, I have learned to stand up for myself and leave behind what does not make me happy. And this reality, this gloominess, this moral corruption, this heavy and slow system that is anything but fair to its people, does not make me happy. Even more important, it won’t make my family happy. And if for whatever reason I end up getting a divorce, it won’t be fair to ME.

So I leave.


Chapter 110. It´s not me is YOU

Your last boyfriend broke up with you in public, yes, he did, because these days everyhting is public.
First he told you that he had not responded to your WhatsApp because he had fallen asleep, on another occasion he was stuck at work and could not meet you. The third time his dad had had an almost fatal collapse, the ambulance came with the paramedics and all…and he had to wait until everyone was asleep….The thing is that you bought the excuses every single time. Not facing the real truth which is:
He did not care any more about you.
Or what is more, he was caring about someone else.
And the consequences are disastrous. It happened just before that trip you had bragged so much about, you still have the plane tickets but they are non refundable and non transferable. Basically, you are loosing the money. But that is not all, there is the hotel part too, that special rate that you got online to surprise your boyfriend staying at the penthouse of a Vegas five star hotel. It was an awesome rate actually.
Also gone.
So now what, will you go on that trip without him? How will it be when you are sitting on the plane next to his empty seat? How will it be when you check into your amazing hotel room and you have nobody to scream SURPRIIIIIISE to? Will you cry or will you say «thank Good» he is gone! I don’t have to share the toilet.
After a breakup, one begin to think about all the people that we have dated. Why has none of your relationships worked? Is it your fault?
Yes. No. Who knows…
You might feel disoriented and hurt because that guy didn´t even had the decency to leave you for someone else. He simply left you for YOU. Ouch. That sucks.

Now it would be a good idea to go directly to the source and interview each single person that has been a part of your life. Past boyfriends, friends and family. Unfortunately not may people take the time to tell you things that are difficult to hear. I personally don´t have that problem, I have my crocodile for that. He reminds me each day of all of my shortcomings, and sometims he is actually right but I will never say it because that is not the kind of relationship that we have. We are…never mind.
But in general, people simply remain silent, depriving you from some valuable information that would contribute to your personal growth.
If we could only understand how other people perceive us we could learn so much about ourselves.
My advice is as follows: Take that plane. Enjoy the room view, make new friends and drink champagne! We are born to be loved not perfect.
True love will come and will embrace you as you are.
Have a nice trip!

Chapter 109. Dating a Rich Cougar

Some young good looking men who like a high end lifestyle that they can´t afford fall into a sugar momma relationship, that is, a man starts a relationship with an older woman than can maintain a higher lifestyle than the man could maintain for himself.

This type of relationship is more of an arrangement than a love story in itself. Sure, you can learn to love that older woman, but the main reason why you started dating her is because she can provide you something that you are unable to provide for yourself.

A better lifestyle.

Anyone who is dating someone who is older and richer will have different expectations; sometimes the vast amount of difference can be shocking, sometimes it comes to the surface as she gets old. Maybe the rich cougar who once was young and beautiful was married before to a rich man that supports you both, maybe she has travelled all over the world, maybe she holds numerous degrees and is incredibly successful, but above all she is used to, likes and enjoys the finer things in life, including you.

First, you must accept that she’s taking you to the next level introducing you to new places and experiences because she can afford to do so, she is used to doing so and she wants your company. Second, your older, richer cougar isn’t going to be upset that you didn’t pick up the bill but she will be upset even sick if you make her feel unwanted or what is worse, OLD.

There are men who would think that having a rich older woman to pay for everything would be everything that they could ever dream of but if you are going to date a rich or well off woman you must be well awareof some catches.


If you’re dating a rich cougar nothing can be more important to you than the cougar.

If you are dating a rich cougar and you find that you’re more interested in family or friends you will have a problem with the cougar.

If you fail to make your cougar your absolute priority you will find yourself single very quickly.  But you don´t want that, right?

If you look at a younger woman while being with your cougar you will find yourself outside the luxury apartment condo.

If you have kids and your cougar senses that you love your kids more than you love her you will be in trouble.

But here is the most important piece of advice: If you’re looking for a sugar momma or a rich cougar is best to look for an older woman with NO kids. She will have more time to travel and chances are that she will be at a point in her life when she cannot have them anymore.  This type of woman is in desperate need to adopt or rescue a guy  that she can  take care of. They are also in need to validate their choice of not having kids in front of society by having someone really hot next to them that passes this message “I do not have children but I get to do this hot good looking guy”.

So if you are looking for cougar love is best to appear in need to be rescued for whatever circumstance. She will inmediatley feel the urge to take care of you, pamper you, etc. IN exchange you wont have to do something monetary, showing your emotional support loyalty, devotion to her and companionship will suffice.

Remember: she’s the one who sets the rules and if you want to stay in the arrangement, you should adhere to her demands. Most cougars have their own issues and demand full attention, or I should say, exclusive adoration, to remain satisfied. They were once young  and beautiful and they do not want to lose that power. Rich cougars need to be treated like a goddess (?). By doing so you might make her fall for you and build an equal relationship… as time goes by… 👵